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1 min 36 sec
Overview 🚀
- 4-member project + My role: UX/UI Designer, Frontend Developer
- Everything designed and built from scratch
About 🏅
The goal was to move from paper-based registration management to a cloud-based system with automated processes. It's an internal platform that streamlined registration management and provided benefits to all stakeholders.
Approach 💬
- The project began with discussions, interviews, and brainstorming sessions to fully understand the needs and develop thoughtful plans.
- We spent the first four months translating feedback into sketches, planning, and prototyping.
- Progress reports and presentations were regularly shared with the professors to keep them updated on beneficial features and new directions.
- Due to COVID-19, the project was transitioned to a remote working style using real-time collaboration tools, online meetings, and emails.
- We ensured that backups were maintained and organized from start to finish.
Challenges 🔥
- Initially, the tool was intended for form submissions only, but we expanded the scope to an all-in-one registration system. This required additional functionalities and modern designs, which were challenging to implement.